Mondays can be full of surprises.

Like the 1:00 AM surprise of an alarm loudly shouting “Beep. Beep. Evacuate. Evacuate” in your son’s room sending him and the twins running in circles as daddy tried to silence it.
(Silly humidifier got a little too steamy. At least we know they work!)
Or the surprise of a tidy pile of hair greeting you by your son’s bed a few hours later after he decided that he wanted a haircut and couldn’t wait for mommy or daddy to do it at a reasonable hour.
Some good, some bad, some humorous surprises await me and you today.
The question is, do you believe God is not surprised by any of them?
This prayer by Joseph Pignatelli, SJ stood out to me today on this Monday morning of surprises. Perhaps it will resonate with you as well.
“My God, I do not know
what must come to me today.⠀
But I am certain
that nothing can happen to me
that you have not foreseen, decreed,
and ordained from all eternity.
That is sufficient for me.
I adore your impenetrable
and eternal designs,
to which I submit with all my heart.
I desire, I accept thhem all;
and I unite my sacrifice to that of
Jesus Christ, my Divine Savior.
I ask in his name
and through his infinite merits,
patience in my trials,
and perfect and entire submission to all
that comes to me by your good pleasure.
How can you embrace the surprises of today believing that God does indeed have your back?